
After graduating high school in the vibrant city of Toronto, Canada, ISSA decided to turn her passion for art into a career pursuit. This led her to the prestigious Art Center College of Design. During her time there, ISSA discovered a deep appreciation for indie game development, and her commitment to the craft flourished.

Embracing various game projects throughout her school journey, ISSA's dedication came to fruition with Chu Mo, a project close to her heart. Not only did Chu Mo receive a nomination at IndieCade 2023, but it also clinched the coveted Best Live Action Award, marking a significant milestone in ISSA's artistic journey.

Currently, ISSA is eagerly exploring opportunities in the dynamic realms of video games and animation. With a focus on character design and spine animation, she is on the lookout for exciting ventures that allow her creativity to shine. Join ISSA on her artistic journey as she brings characters and stories to life in the ever-evolving world of gaming and animation!

Previously on:

Marvel Strike Force - Concept Artist Intern